• How do I edit my cards? Swipe Right while viewing your collection.
  • How do I view a Genie’s Estimate? Click on the card Image while viewing a single card.
  • How is the Total Value calculated while on Premium? When you view a Genie’s Estimate it saves it to your Total Value. Currently you must view every card to get the Total Value and we are working on a more automated solution.
  • How do the market indexes work? The market indexes are made up of a basket of cards(mostly modern) of the main stars for each sport and are the PSA 10s of their rookies. it is meant to show trends in each market and better inform you on the cycles.
  • How do I track my profit? When you mark a card sold by swiping right and entering a value, this populates the profit tracker which is located under options.
  • How do I scan PSA/SGC Slabs? Use the new scanning feature while adding a card. Make sure to place it on a flat dark surface and capture the entire slab. Hold it very still while it scans.